
Publication date (of file/URL)
7 January 2019
As per Yemen Ecosystem Valuation study, the value of Yemen key ecosystem is estimated to worth approximately USD 287,829 million, which is about ten times the value of GDP(USD 20,000 million per year)
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
7 January 2014

The biodiversity and constituent ecosystems, are critically important to our well-being and economic situation, Yemen has a rich variety of both biodiversity and landscapes, reflecting the variety in geology and altitudes found within the country. As elsewhere in the world, biodiversity in Yemen has

Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
19 August 2009
In accordance with Article 26 of the Convention and COP decision VIII/14, Parties are required to submit their fourth national report to the Executive Secretary, using the format outlined in the 4th NR guidelines. Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, in adopting a Strategic Plan, have committed themselves to achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss at the global, national and regional levels, as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth.
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
19 August 2009
Document type
Publication date (of file/URL)
7 January 2007
Al nimr al-arabi, the Arabian leopard, is a uniquely small, genetically distinctive, desert-adapted form of the leopard that is endemic to the Arabian Peninsula. It once occurred around the mountainous rim of the Arabian Peninsula, where it preyed on Arabian tahr, Nubian ibex, hyrax and other species that share its habitat.
Document type
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Publication date (of file/URL)
1 March 2005
Document type
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Publication date (of file/URL)
1 March 2005
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
10 January 2005
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
10 January 2005
Document type
Sections 118 and 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, require the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to prepare a country analysis regarding the status of conservation and sustainable use of tropical forests and biological diversity to be included in the preparation of the Agency's country level strategic plans, now referred to as Country Development Cooperation Strategies. The procedures for these assessments are contained in the Agency's Automated Directives 200 series which incorporate the FAA requirements to include: